By God’s providence and provision, we have a unique opportunity! Building Phase 1 will provide Trinity with opportunities of rest and service. It will provide us with a place of permanence in the community. It will relieve us from having to set-up and tear-down week after week and year after year. It will better enable us to invite others to worship in a church building and not merely a gym.

Maintenance on Phase 1 will require only a little more than we already spend on rented facilities. We believe God is asking us to be better stewards of God’s resources and experience exponential ministry benefits! Having dedicated space for nursery, TrinityKids, a cry room with audio, and adult education area provides our people and those who will come with the space they need to grow in the gospel.

Building a place of our own allows us to be both better stewards and overcome the constraints of our rented facilities to welcome, pray, study, gather, fellowship, invite, teach, train, equip, host, and send.

When will we break ground?

We have! We broke ground April 24, 2022. Here is a video from Miller-Tippens our construction company capturing the moment for their future clients.

What’s included in Phase 1?

The first building will comprise the multipurpose room, commercial kitchen, restrooms, four classrooms, and storage. Outside a parking lot, detention pond, and landscaping will complement the entrance into the building.

How long will it take to build?

10-12 months

How many square feet will it be?

Approximately 13,900 sq feet

Will there be a nursery?

Yes. In Phase 1, four educational classrooms will serve as meeting spaces for various age groups throughout the week. To be clear, we will share those rooms as all-church Trinity educational space but one of them at least will be our nursery on Sunday morning. We will also have a nursing mom’s room right off the multipurpose room.

Will there be Sunday School space?

Yes, there will be. We can also hold Sunday School classes in the mezzanine or the multipurpose room as necessary. We may use temporary buildings until Phase 2 is complete.

Where will the youth meet?

In Phase 1 the youth will meet in the mezzanine or multipurpose room until Phase 2 is complete.

How many people will the multipurpose room sit?

About 400

What will the multipurpose room look like?

Striving to communicate the beauty of His holiness, northern light will fill a room with white wainscoting, carpeted floors, stone accents and wooden truss ceiling. Visit the images here.

How many parking spots will there be in the Phase 1 parking lot?

There will be 101 parking spots including 7 handicapped spaces.

How much will Phase 1 cost?

About $7 million to be move-in ready on day 1.

Why does it cost so much?

The building itself is only a fraction of the total cost. Civil engineering requirements, parking, landscape, and structural support for additional phases add to the cost per square foot of Phase 1. Building Phase 1 in this manner will save Trinity hundreds of thousands of dollars in future construction and design costs.

Why is the goal for RISE $3.6M when the building costs MoRE THAN THAT?

$3.6M is the number we reasonably think we can raise as a congregation at this time. Exceeding it will allow us to do more!

Is Phase 2 designed?


What’s in phase 2?

The TrinityKids wing, community room, youth area and balcony, offices, reception area, upgrades to the multipurpose room, and stone on the outside of the building.

When will we build Phase 2?

We plan to build Phase 2 as soon as we’re able to do so in line with Trinity’s stewardship principles.

What are Trinity’s stewardship principles?

We desire to build buildings that are beautiful, sustainable, hospitable, and that last generations. Therefore, our buildings will seem more expensive than comparative ones. While we want to pay cash for as much as we are able, we are not against debt per se. We continue to walk by faith. We require strong data that supports our ability to be able to pay our creditors and maintain Trinity’s reputation for the glory of God before we engage in financial dealings with contractors.

Who designed the building?

Bret Pfeifer, architect, designed it in consultation with Trinity’s Facilities Requirement Guide and a representative team from Trinity who met over the course of six months to plan, design, imagine, re-design, and provide feedback.

Would it be cheaper to buy an existing building and refurbish it?

In theory, but that is not a reality. No existing buildings in Owasso have become available that suit the needs of our long-range facility requirements.

Will there be cushioned chairs that are comfortable?

We have not yet selected chairs. We will have a number of chairs to test to ensure look and comfort.

Will there be room in the space for a church-wide function in Phase 1?

Yes, the multi-purpose room will serve multiple purposes, including fellowship dinners and Sunday worship.

Is the kitchen in Phase 1?


Is the playground in Phase 1?

We will create some outdoor elements for the children in Phase 1. The ‘official’ playground will arrive in Phase 2.

Handicap accessibility? Wheelchair accessible for longer walking distances?

The building will be completely ADA accessible. We will have a wheelchair on site.